Kelly Shutt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>for those of you that were asking, i'm running slackware 7.1 and i've
>installed qmail according to the life with qmail document... minus
>the init.d config files, I don't use init.d, I just added
>/usr/local/sbin/qmail start" to my rc.local file.  I used the IDS
>file to add users and such,

OK so far...

>and for my rc file I used the included file "binm1," I think this may
>be where my problem is,


>I'm not sure which rc file applies to my machine, since i'm not sure
>what the default mail delivery is for sendmail in slack, but with
>this one qmail appears to be functioning properly except for not
>finding the mailboxes.

You could look at the that comes with Slackware to see
what local delivery agent it's using. Or you could just use procmail

>As I have said, qmail was configured exactly like the life with qmail

I don't think "exactly" means what you think it means.


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