On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 05:01:57AM +0200, Boris allegedly wrote:

> bugs are fixed fast. Its just some C-Code, everyone knows this.

This is a troll, right?

I have a lock on my front door that I know can be opened with a
paperclip, but heck, those nice people who make the locks will supply
me with a new lock soon, so what's the problem?

> When I was using sendmail on my FreeBSD Server, it has never been
> hacked, very strange ugh?

This is a troll, right?

I left my front door unlocked last night and no one walked in and
stole anything, ergo, front door locks are a complete waste of time.

Ok. It is a troll, no one could be silly enough to say those things
and believe them.


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