On Mon, Jun 04, 2001 at 02:16:20PM +1000, Jason Heskett allegedly wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am probably opening a long-running topic here, but here goes...
> I have just successfully compiled qmail on SCO OpenServer. However, it seems
> that my outgoing mail queue is getting "stuck".

Is that true for all outgoing mail or just some?

> The log includes, 
> Connected_to_......._but_connection_died._(#4.4.2)/
> Running a "ps" shows qmail-remote sitting there, trying to deliver the
> queue.

Does SCO has a truss or strace or some similar system call trace? If
so, attach to the qmail-remote and show us the output. Yo may also
want to get a tcpdump/snoop of the tcp traffic.

> Local deliveries work just fine.
> I know similar messages have been posted to the list, and I apologise for
> the duplication,

You'll also note that SCO in general is not well loved/supported by
djbware. The problem seems to be that the tcp/ip stack sucks - to use
a technical term.

> Before you say anything.... I can't move to Linux just yet...

That still leaves any of the BSD variants then :>


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