I have problem with the errata setting (from remote-server?) of To:
field in Reply msg.

Physical name of my qmail server is "terri1.te.astro.it" but mail domain
is "astrte.te.astro.it" (record CNAME in dns)

Many users (but not all!!!) of my organization send our msgs like
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (setting our client program - Outlook,
Messenger or Sqwebmail)

In the reply of msg the To: field contains [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and not [EMAIL PROTECTED] !!!! Why??? Which component is
responsable for setting the To: field in Reply

My organizatione is known as astrte.te.astro.it and no like terri1....
This is a problem for me !!!!

It happens for not all my users...Why? Is it a problem of remote server?

excuse me for my english.

Thanks. Massimo Quintini

Massimo Quintini
Osservatorio Astronomico Collurania Teramo
Via Mentore Maggini s.n.c. 64100 TERAMO (Italy)
Tel +39-0861210490  Fax +39-0861210492

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