Quoth Peter van Dijk:
> On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 02:05:54AM -0500, Joel Uckelman wrote:
> [snip]
> > But I still get the softdnserror header when sending mail from charybdis to
> > scylla, and I know this wasn't happening yesterday.
> > 
> > Any ideas about what's going on here? I'm stumped.
> My wildest guess is that the resolver listed in /etc/resolv.conf is
> broken.
> Greetz, Peter.

[Sorry, Peter, I'd meant to send this to the list, not just you.] 

Hmmm. That seems weird, since the only nameserver I have listed is mine, 
and it appears to be working. If it is broken, it must be something rather 
subtle, since I've had no trouble doing all sorts of DNS-heavy things like 
web surfing, and the few hundred messages my mail server handles daily all 
seem to be getting through.

Furthermore, the IP that shows up in the header when it's working is a 
local IP--- it should find in /etc/hosts without 
needing to resort to DNS. The lookup order in /etc/host.conf has hosts 
before dns, so it should be looking there first.

Does this give anyone an idea about what, specifically, is broken w/r/t the 


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