newbieportal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm still trying to utilize qmail with my web based mailing list.
> my ideas.
> 1. instead of using mail program /usr/sbin/sendmail
> I wanted to use /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qmtpd to send mail and it did not work.

Why?  qmail-qmtpd is a daemon that accepts mail over the network, much like
qmail-smtpd.  However, QMTP, as a protocol, is harder to speak than SMTP (as
Dan says, it was designed for speed, not simplicity).  Using QMTP buys you
nothing over speaking SMTP, or, for that matter, using qmail's sendmail
wrapper, qmail-inject, or qmail-queue.

"What problem are you trying to solve?"  In other words, what is it about
qmail's sendmail wrapper that prevents you from using it?

> 2. Okay how about this, instead of sending these mails directly, I want to
> queue them first and send later.  say I have 1000 emails in my mysql
> database, when I try to loop through the emails and trying to send the mails
> at the same time takes too long.  I can't have everyone wait long time since
> the mailing stops when someone closes out the browser. so is there a way to
> just queue them and have it send on the back groud.

If it's the same message going to 1000 recipients (as opposed to 1000
different messages going to one recipient each), you're doing it incorrectly
and inefficiently.  Just feed the message to qmail-inject (or the sendmail
wrapper) with all recipients in one message.  Open a pipe to qmail-inject and
send the message:

From: <address@domain>
Subject: List message
To: recipient list not shown: ;
bcc: <recipient1@domain1>
bcc: <recipient2@domain2>
bcc: <recipient1000@domain1000>

Hi!  This is a list message.

And that will do it quickly and efficiently.

> does anyone know how to do this.  Is there more documentation on
> qmail-queue.

You can, of course, use qmail-queue directly (the man page for qmail-queue is
sufficient for using it; I've done it) but it doesn't buy you much in this

> recap: instead directly trying to send mails, I would like to queue them
> initially and have qmail send mails in the back ground so no one has to wait
> to finish sending mails but just wait to finish queue them.

qmail always does this.  There is no non-queued delivery mode in qmail.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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