Amanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I reassigned the "alias" user to its right group,

How did you determine which GID is right? You *must* use the GID that
was in place when qmail was compiled. Changing it requires recompiling

>I attempted to reconfigure/reinstall qmail with no success: the alias
>user is now appearing in the right group, but somewhere the gid 401 is
>still being passed when trying to send messages to the mailing list.

The 401 was probably compiled into the qmail binaries.

>In frustration at this point, I removed the install directories of
>both Mailman and qmail, removed their source directories, removed the
>original tarballs, removed their users and groups .... redownloaded
>both programs, and started again.
>And I'm still getting the same error.
>Okay, so I know I missed something in the process of reinstalling or
>reconfiguring qmail. The question is, what did I forget to remove or
>change? Any ideas on how to fix this problem would be greatly

Which installation intructions are following? Did you test qmail after
installing it? Did it work?


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