I'm having a problem getting an ezmlm list setup.  I know that it has a
seperate list, but I think this is a qmail configuration problem.

Here is users/assign (yes, I ran qmail-newu):

[snip - standard, functioning users, and yes, it ends with a single .]

The list is called soccer-sunday.

here is /home/soccer:
total 16
drwxr-xr-x    5 soccer   soccer       4096 Jun 18 13:43 Desktop
drwx------    5 soccer   soccer       4096 Jun 18 15:41 Maildir
drwx------    8 soccer   soccer       4096 Jun 18 15:48 sunday
drwx------    2 soccer   soccer       4096 Jun 18 13:43 supervise

and here is the .qmail-sunday file:
|/usr/bin/ezmlm-check /home/soccer/sunday
|/usr/bin/ezmlm-reject '/home/soccer/sunday'
|/usr/bin/ezmlm-send '/home/soccer/sunday'
|/usr/bin/ezmlm-warn '/home/soccer/sunday' || exit 0

I put ezmlm-check in to see is the mail was even hitting the file.  It

The problem is this:

All the messages sent to soccer-sunday@host are being delivered to the 'jjn'
account.  Shouldn't the more precise wildcard assignment '+soccer' take
precedence over the less precise '+'?

What am I missing?  Why isn't qmail delivering to either the Maildir for
soccer or to the list?



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