Bob C. Ruddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Below is the top of the output from qmail-showctl. My questions are what
> is "paternalism" and "silent concurrency"?

paternalism is the bits which are not allowed on home directories before qmail
will deliver to them.  The default, 2, simply means that home directories must
not be world writable.

The silent concurrency limit is determined by your system headers -- as I
understand it,  it's a limit of how many fds can be used in a select() set,
and therefore it limits how many children qmail-lspawn and qmail-rspawn can
have at any given time.  What it means is that if you try to set
concurrencylocal or concurrencyremote higher than this, it will silently be
limited to this limit.

> We are running a test now that is just testing the receiving of large
> numbers of email via smtp and storing it local. What I am seeing is the
> email coming it and sitting in the Q. This Q keeps gettnig larger and
> larger. It seems as though there is room on the box as far as IO is
> concerned. So I'd like to up the local concurrency limit.

Is qmail-send even running?  Are the message staying in the todo directory?
qmail-smtpd (which accepts mail over the network) is completely independent of
qmail-send, which processes messages in the queue for delivery.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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