On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 10:42:26AM +0530, D Rajesh wrote:
> Hi there,

>I have done the conf-split configuration and after make setup It created
>directory /var/qmail. I have moved the original /var/qmail to /var/qmail2
>before the make setup. After finishing the installation, I have started
>"/var/qmail/rc " in background. It got started successfully. Then if I try
>to start " /var/qmail2/rc " then it gives error saying qmail-send already

If you want two separate copies of qmail running, you have to put
/var/qmail2 into conf-qmail and recompile. If you don't change conf-qmail,
the /var/qmail path will still be compiled into your binaries.


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