John Newbigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am probably going to start a flame war with this but I have created a
> patch for qmail 1.03 which removes the need for compiled in user and
> group id's.
> The patch works by replacing the auto_uida variables with #defines which
> call functions to return the correct uid.  Once the user id has been
> looked up it is remembered should the same instance try to look it up
> again.

Bruce Guenter has been distributing a patch like this for years; it takes its
UIDs and GIDs from the ownership of a set of files in /var/qmail/owners --
nice, because if you want to do a global renumbering of UIDs, qmail gets fixed
"automatically" by the same process you use to change ownership of the rest of
the filesystem.

> With this patch in place it is possible to build an RPM which can be
> safely installed without the need to relink or binary edit and files.

Except the resulting binary RPM will not be distributable.

> My second question is about the licence for qmail.  Despite all my
> looking I can't find it.  Can someone point me to the licence or
> summarise what I can do with a binary RPM.

See Dan's "Information for qmail distributors" (or such).  Basically:  you
can't distribute modified source, if you want to distribute any binaries they
have to meet his "var-qmail" (?) definition.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

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