måndagen den 2 juli 2001 16:33 skrev John Hogan:
> At 12:36 AM 7/2/2001, Csaba Bobak wrote:
> > > I've noticed a ^M character in some plain text email messages in the
> >
> >qmail queue. Why is it there
> >
> >The ^M is the remain of a M$ machine's CR/LF pair, not converted.
> >
> > > ...and how can i remove it ?
> <snip>
> i use this wee perl scriptlet... i can't remember if it's free, share or
> what...
> text of script follows (no flames for executables...)
> - hogan
> ########################################
> #!/usr/bin/perl

Why not use "delcr" from the tcpserver package ?


Regards // Oden Eriksson
Kvikkjokk Networks

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