* Paul Kristensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010711 11:49]:


I took exception to your recent  ___ post to __________________. 
                                 _X_ email 

It was (check all that apply): 

_X_ lame. 
_X_ stupid. 
_X_ boring. 
_X_ much longer than any worthwhile thought of which you may be capable. 

Your attention is drawn to the fact that: 

_X_ what you posted/said has been done before. 
    (Mark only if above checked) 
    ___ Not only that, it was also done better the last time. 
___ your post/mail was a pathetic imitation of   _____________________. 
                                                   (NOTES personality) 
___ your post/mail was intended to be email/a post. 
___ your post was obviously Moderator-bait. 
___ your post referred to the conference as a Board, BBoard, BBS, newsgroup 
    or Notesfile. 
___ your post contained commercial advertising. 
    THE FINE FOR THIS IS $20. Please remit immediately to: 
                    Digital Equipment Corp. 
                    Network Security & Standards Patrol 
                    146 Main St. 
                    Maynard, MA 01754 
    or your posting privileges will be canceled. 
___ your post/letter contained numerous spelling errors. 
    (Mark only if above checked) 
    ___ you deliberately misspelled 4 letter Anglo-Saxon words to slither the 
        note past the moderators. 
    ___ your post/letter contained "y"s substituted for random vowels. 
        (Mark only if above checked) 
        ___ which made it unintelligible. 
    ___ your post/letter contained "q"s substituted for random "k"s, "c"s or 
    ___ you spell-checked but it obviously substituted incorrect word(s) with 
        a similar sound/spelling for your misspelled word(s) rather than the 
        correct spelling. 
    ___ Feeble attempt at Dan Quayle humor. 
___ your post/letter contained multiple grammatical errors. 
___ your post/letter served no purpose other than correct spelling/grammatical 
    errors of another note/letter. 
_X_ your post was a Garbage Note. 
    (Mark only if above checked) 
    ___ 100% USDA 
    _X_ CRAP (fancy CRAP, FREEWARE, Copyright (c) Northern Spy Software) 
    ___ CRAP (just plain CRAP) 
    ___ (picture of trash can) 
    ___ all of the above. 
___ your note was a "snarf." 
    (Mark only if above checked) 
    ___ and you got a number generally not considered "snarfable." 
        (Mark only if above checked) 
        ___ because you were too slow and missed by one. 
    ___ you deliberately created replies solely to get a "snarf" number. 
        (Mark only if above checked) 
        ___ you still were too slow to get a "snarf"! 
        ___ these replies contain more useful content than most of your other 
            (Mark only if above checked) 
            ___ ...which is saying quite a bit since you deleted these replies. 
_X_ you created a new topic that should have been a reply to another note. 
    (Mark only if above checked) 
    _X_ Deliberately. 
    _X_ You don't know the difference between "Write" and "Reply." 
    _X_ You were too lazy to look for the existing note. 
        (Mark only if above checked) 
        ___ and you asked the moderators to find the note and move it there 
            for you. 
___ you created a new topic designed to generate replies and set it /NOWRITE. 
    (Mark only if above checked) 
    ___ you repeatedly set it /NOWRITE, after the moderators set it /WRITE. 
___ you set your note /HIDDEN simply to arouse the curiosity of other noters. 
___ 'Hit and Run' noting, you deleted your note after it generated several 
    (Mark only if above checked) 
    ___ ...which was a good thing because you really looked like a fool. 
    ___ you created a new note and moved it to the 'hole' to make the replies 
        look foolish. 
___ you quoted an article/letter in followup and added no new text. 
___ you quoted an article in followup and only added the line "Me, too!!!" 
_X_ you quoted an article/letter in followup and only added _1_ lines of text. 
___ you predicted the "Imminent Death of the Net[tm]." 
    (Mark only if above checked) 
    ___ Without adding "<form of representation> at 11." 
___ you asked for replies via email because you "don't read this group." 
_X_ you flamed someone who has been around far longer than you. 
_X_ you flamed someone who is far more intelligent and witty than you. 
___ your lines are 80 columns wide or wider. 
___ you forgot which conference this was. 
_X_ you have a lame login name. 
_X_ your machine has a stupid name. 
___ your attempt at a Notes/Mail Personal Name fell flat. 
    (Mark only if above checked) 
    ___ Painfully. 
___ your name signed at the end contains silly extraneous punctuation. 
___ your note contains a PGP signature. 
    (Mark only if above checked) 
    ___ that exceeds the length of the note itself. 
    ___ the PGP fingerprint was just random hex digits anyway. 
___ you included a USENET .sig . 
    (Mark only if above checked) 
    ___ your .sig is longer than four lines. 
        (Mark only if above checked) 
        ___ And your newsreader truncated it. 
    ___ your .sig is wider than 80 columns. 
    ___ your .sig is tabdamaged. 
    ___ your .sig is longer than your included text. 
    ___ your .sig is longer than the entire rest of your post. 
    ___ your .sig is ridiculous because (check all that apply): 
        ___ you listed ___ snail mail address(es). 
            (Mark only if above checked) 
            ___ you listed a nine-digit ZIP code. 
        ___ you listed ___ phone numbers for people to use in prank calls. 
        ___ you included a stupid disclaimer. 
            (Mark only if above also) 
             ___ your pathetic attempt at being witty in the disclaimer failed. 
             (Mark only if above also) 
                 ___ Miserably. 
        ___ you included: 
            (Mark all that apply)  
             ___ a stupid self-quote. 
             ___ a stupid quote from a net.nobody. 
             ___ a stupid quote from 
                 (Mark all that apply) 
                 ___ Rush Limbaugh. 
                 ___ Dan Quayle. 
                 ___ a rock band member. 
                     (Mark only if above also) 
                     ___ from Rush. 
                 ___ (one of) the United Stated Founding Father(s). 
             ___ a reference to Beavis & Butthead. 
             ___ lame ASCII fonts 
             ___ lame ASCII graphic(s) (Choose all that apply): 
                 ___ USS Enterprise 
                 ___ Australia 
                 ___ The Amiga logo 
                 ___ Company logo 
                     (Mark only if above also) 
                     ___ and you stated that you don't speak for your employer. 
                 ___ Bicycle 
                 ___ Bart Simpson 
                 ___ Sword 
                 ___ Dinosaur 
                 ___ Cat/Dog 
                     (Mark only if above also) 
                     ___ plural 
             ___ excessive misuse of punctuation marks, namely __________ 
             ___ excessive whitespace 


_X_ You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
___ You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of the net. 
_X_ You are a loser. 
_X_ You must have spent your entire life in a skinner box to be this 
_X_ *plonk* 
_X_ This has been pointed out to you before. 
_X_ It is recommended that you: 
    (Mark all that apply) 
    _X_ Go Away. Now. 
    _X_ stick to USENET and come back when you've grown up. 
    _X_ find a volcano and throw yourself in. 
    _X_ get a gun and shoot yourself. 
    _X_ stop reading Notes and get a life. 
    _X_ stop sending email and get a life. 
    _X_ get a clue (hey, they're cheap!) 
    _X_ consume excrement. 
    _X_ consume excrement and thus expire. 

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