On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 12:40:22 -0600
David J Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Greetings ---
> How can I stop my server from being used to relay mail?  
> I got an email from a admin somewhere claiming that emails were being
> sent from my server with virus attached? It's only me and one other person
> has access to this box?
> Related question could this be the source of the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> (I set up an .qmail-52 aliases to try to catch these emails)
> This question is part of the Forged Emails post I sent eailer from
> Thanks,
> David Jackson

What i use, that works good as I'm hosting mail domains for a few
friends who all have dynamic IP's, rather than allow the world to send,
I use the vpopmail roaming users option. It implements a pop-before-smtp
method of authing SMTP.  As of yet, i havent gotten it to
IMAP-before-smtp, however the only person who probably even knows IMAP
exists, is myself, and I'm on the same lan as it is. very easy to add
192.168.100.* :)

I reccommend you check that out.  Plus there are other patches to qmail
itself, not requiring vpopmail from inter7.
The url for vpopmail is www.inter7.com. 



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