I need to have a mail server that accepts mail from several domains. I read
through your HOWTO and thought that would be the best way to implement it, however
I have not had any success with it.  When I try to send a message, it seems to go
ok, there are no errors in the log files or anything, but the message seems to
just disappear.  To save time and space, I will give you the basic setup I have,
listing only one user.  The rest use the same setup, just change the names, etc.

I created a user/group popuser (both have ID 101)
The email address I will use is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The host machine is


/var/qmail/control/users/poppasswd: (the password in this case is tarsk)




And here is what the syslog looks like when I try to send a message:

Jul 30 13:22:21 dogbert qmail: 996517341.588676 new msg 109593
Jul 30 13:22:21 dogbert qmail: 996517341.589130 info msg 109593: bytes 233 from <>
qp 4889 uid 64011
Jul 30 13:22:21 dogbert qmail: 996517341.596701 starting delivery 39: msg 109593
to local @dogbert.slushpupie.com
Jul 30 13:22:21 dogbert qmail: 996517341.597090 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
Jul 30 13:22:21 dogbert qmail: 996517341.600277 delivery 39: success:
Jul 30 13:22:21 dogbert qmail: 996517341.600649 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
Jul 30 13:22:21 dogbert qmail: 996517341.600799 end msg 109593

After sending the message there is nothing.  No error, nothing bounces back, I
check the queue dirs, and nothing in there.  I am afraid this is a bit over my
head, and could really use some help.  Any help you can provide would be greatly



Jay Kline

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