On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 05:44:51PM +0200, Sebastien Monassa wrote:
> I knwo it seems related to the msglog user from
> Bruce latest RPM patch, but it used to work fine.
> The msglog function was and is still disabled.

This one more proves that installing foreign packages is most times a very
bad idea.

> Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> virtualdomains:
> Virtual domain: netsecurity.fr:netsecurity
> Virtual domain: .netsecurity.fr:netsecurity

You failed to show us the contens of
/var/qmail/alias/.qmail-netsecurity-msglog, or, if netsecurity is a system
user, its $HOME/.qmail-msglog file. This one should exist and only contain
one line:

The better fix is to compile qmail yourself from the source. This extra
delivery per mail, even if its dicarded later, caused unneeded system load
and may cause problem as you proved here.

* Henning Brauer, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.bsws.de *
* Roedingsmarkt 14, 20459 Hamburg, Germany               *
Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity.
(Dennis Ritchie)

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