
I'm having a problem with SMTP connections to my mailserver, particularly 
those from Outlook, which simply are not working no matter how long I set 
the SMTP timeout to be on the client end.  If I manually connect to my mail 
server (telnet mail 25) I get a 'Connected to..' immediately -- that's 
inetd -- but then the next line '220 blah blah ESTMP' doesn't come up for 
somewhere between 30 and 120 seconds.  However, if I do it locally -- 
(telnet localhost 25) I get an immediate ESMTP response.

I'm running inetd -> tcpd -> tcp-env -> qmail-smtpd.  This is on a mandrake 
7.2 box.

        from my inetd.conf : 

smtp    stream  tcp    nowait  qmaild  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env 

I've also tried this with a -R argument to tcp-env to keep it from doing 
ident lookups, and this has made no discernable difference.

The load on the box is minimal and I've tried shutting off other services 
on the box just to make sure nothing is interferring.  Everything is 
working fantastic otherwise.  The host I'm trying to connect from has both 
forward & reverse DNS records.  Our SMTP server has never been this slow 
before, though it sometimes gets a bit slow, and we've been running with 
this configuration for over a year.

I'm running inetd -> tcp-env -> qmail-smtpd.  I've been testing tcpserver 
but haven't been able to get RELAYCLIENT to be set when using it.

Has anyone had this problem?  Does anyone know what would cause this 
problem?  I am eager to get switched over to something other than inetd, 
but I can't spend time figuring that out in test when our -prod- server 
has gone tits up.


Thanks so much,

Abbe DeMoss

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