Hi lkirchhoff,

> i've  just installed the ezmlm 0.53 with idx 0.4 and 
> tried to run  ezmlm-web.cgi. The problem is that the 
> lists are always created in the /tmp dir. I tried to 
> set up the  /var/qmail/alias dir in the  ezmlmwebrc, 
> but  then  i  had  an   error with qmail [homedir is 
> writeable]. This is  because the setuid of the  cgi- 
> wrapper  isn't working correctly, so i had to change 
> the dir mode to 777.
> Here is the ls output of cgi-bin dir:
> drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         4096 Aug  1 15:26 ./
> drwxr-xr-x   4 root     root         4096 Aug  1 15:19 ../
> -rwsr-xr-x   1 alias    users       11411 Jul 31 12:38 ezmlm-startweb.cgi*
> I thought that  this will  cause that  the script is 
> running  under   the  user  alias  and  the  created  
> directories will be  owned by him.  But all dirs are 
> still created from wwwrun. 
> Is there a special  setup needed  for apache, that i
> can execute suid scripts?
> Why are the dirs still created by wwwrun?

2. forget about the cgi-wrapper that comes with ezmlm-web
3. read http://httpd.apache.org/docs/suexec.html
4. read about suexec wrapper in INSTALL file in apache source directory

Bernhard Graf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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