At 12:00 01.08.2001 -0500, Scott Zielsdorf wrote:
>At 11:37 01.08.2001 -0500, Lukas Beeler wrote:
> > >So when qmail does the reverse look up, it can't
> > >resolve the IP.
> >
> > yes, but where's the problem ?
> >
>The problem is RELAYCLIENT doesn't get set and therefore the relaying rules
>in tcp.smtp.cdb do not get invoked - apparently.

the rules in tcp.smtp have to be set for ip adresses and not for domain names
so if you set them correctly they WILL get invoked..

>The headers in testing show the dialogue between any workstation on my net
>with qmail smtp as "HELO (machine name) (unknown)"

yes, because the machine doesnt have a PTR record, but that shouldnt make a 

>So, I am *assuming* that even though I have -H (Do Not Look Up Remote Host
>Name) set in the run file invoking smtp that
>somesort of lookup is being done and when it can't resolve I get the
>"'re not in my rcpthosts file" message.
it looks like your tcp.smtp file is set up incorrectly. tcpserver gets the 
remote ip adress from the connection handshake, and thats not any kind of 
look up

> > >Short of going off DHCP and putting all my workstations in my
> > DNS, is there
> > >any way to "fix this"?
> >
> > fix what ? everything will work, even without ptr records...
>Alas, NOTHING works with respect to selective relaying. Is it maybe a Linux
>net configuration issue? And to re-iterate from an earlier post, I have
>followed installation to the letter from LWQ.

selective relaying does not need reverse lookups, it i IP based.
i have an private lan running [10.10.1.x adresses] whitout any server that 
is authoritive for, and it still works, of course.
i have the following line in tcp.smtp
as you see, we have ip adresses there, and they have nothing to do with PTR 

--/-/------ Lukas Beeler ---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------\-\--
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