Charles M. Hannum writes:
 > >Charles M. Hannum writes:
 > >> Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > >> ...
 > >> 
 > >> This seems very wrong.  The Delivered-To: address here isn't even
 > >> correct; it should be something the actually exists -- either
 > >
 > > Don't think of Delivered-To: as an address.  Think of it as a unique
 > > magic cookie derived from email delivery path.  You can always
 > > reconstruct the address if you know something about the delivery path,
 > > and sometimes you may indeed have to.
 > I don't need to be taught the religion, thanks.  I'm already well
 > aware of it.

But there are other people who are not.  I didn't write you a private
reply, did I?

 > And I don't buy it in this case.  What if
 > `[EMAIL PROTECTED]' *was* a valid, different
 > address?  It could falsely detect loops.  Maybe that wouldn't make
 > sense in this particular case, but I'm sure you can construct a more
 > palatable case with little effort.

Then use a character in virtualdomains which is not legal in an email
address.  I thought you didn't need to be taught the religion?
Repent, sinner!

 > Also, that doesn't resolve my VERP problem.

Sorry, I thought it did.  Why doesn't it?

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | 
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