First off please excuse the obviously-I-have-no-knowledge level of this 

I have been charged with installing a mail server at our office. Luckily for 
me I know absolutely nothing about mail servers. I've decided to go with 
OpenBSD 2.9 and qmail 1.03.

But after installing both the OS and qmail and going through the install 
procedure it then hits me, is qmail the right tool? (shows how much I knew 
before starting).

Our office uses Windows and MS Outlook. Can Outlook work with qmail? Can 
users just POP or IMAP off of qmail? Do I need another piece of software to 
link the two?

I know this is a very basic and stupid question so any links or advice are 
welcomed. I've read the FAQ and scoured the 'net but I am missing something 
and it's simply because I don't even have a clue as to what I'm looking for.


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