
I have a vanilla (life with qmail-style) qmail server up and running on an internal 
development x86 linux server. Since this is supposed to be a test server for some mail 
applications that are being developed, what I would like to do is to configure qmail 
to accept all mail it receives for local delivery and place it in a single directory.

I have already figured out that I can comment out the following two lines in 
qmail-smtpd.c in order to bypass the 'rcpt to' envelope check, so it will accept any 
email sent to the machine regardless of the address:
//  else
//    if (!addrallowed()) { err_nogateway(); return; }

I also have a .qmail-default file in /var/qmail/alias, which redirects all local mail 
over to /home/devmail/Maildir.

The last piece of the puzzle is to short-circuit qmail-send (I'm guessing) so that it 
will hand all mail over to qmail-lspawn, and never to qmail-rspawn. Since I'm not a 
programmer, I'm having difficulty digging through qmail-send.c (over 1600 lines!) to 
figure out what to comment out and/or change. Any help at all would be greatly 

Jeremy Frank

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