on 8/1/01 12:12 PM, Ken Jones at [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake:

> I updated the distribution with Bills (Alan Cox?) :) patch and
> updated the version to 0.70.

Ha!  Do I get to be on the Inter7 payroll too? ; )

Did you get the latest patch?  It was 0.70ac4.  ac1 didn't have the ##N[1-3]
hooks, and ac2 and ac3 were broken.  But I'm not sure you were into the
extra include files idea (##N[1-3]).

> One change, I put the version in the footer with a link to
> the qmailadmin page. This might help people looknig for help,
> we can put a qmailadmin howto/help document on the page.

I'm thinking that the ##V (version) should be left out by default, and only
mentioned in the docs.  Also, I'm not sure all the header info should be in
header.html by default, as I'm not sure everyone wants it.  That's just how
I like it.


Bill Shupp

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