on 9/26/01 12:31 PM, Hubbard, David at [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake:

> Seems like multiple admins in at the same time could
> result in collisions if they were changing the same
> thing at the same time, e.g. both are looking at the
> properties of one user and typing a new name or
> password, one hits submit, the update happens, the
> other hits submit, the first admin's changes are
> wiped out.  There's lots of other scenarios there.

While this is true, I think it would be rare.  The vpopmail command line
tools can be used by multiple administrators, and I've never had a problem
(with as many as 4 administrators at one time).  I'm not as concerned with
people overwriting each others changes as I am vpasswd corruption, or
exceeding qmailadmin user/forward/alias limits, etc.



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