At 05:07 PM 11/27/02 -0500, Jesse Guardiani wrote:
Yeah, you could probably get it working that way.
This isn't the voice of experience though.

> I may be wrong, but I'd say that most people
> just throw a web server on the box with
> vpopmail/qmail and run qmailadmin from there.
> It kinda messes with the distributed nature of
> your setup, but qmailadmin modifies .qmail
> files and talks to vpopmail via the command
> line... It's gotta have access to those
> facilities to function.
That's what I'd suggest too. It doesn't look unusual for mail administration and webmail to be served from so people shouldn't freak out about web pages that don't come from www. The best thing about doing it this way is it makes sure the web developers don't need any access to the mail server.


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