Anyone else seeing the following on rc2 ? Configure options dont seem to matter.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] <~/tmp/qmailadmin-1.2.0-rc2>$ make
"Makefile", line 319: Need an operator
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue


Tom Collins wrote:

This release should become the final 1.2.0 release. I'm fairly confident that I've resolved all of the issues with the Makefiles. Both `make install` and `make install-strip` should be working now.

This release also adds a useful file from Rick Widmer (html/README) that summarizes the macros used on the HTML templates.

1.2.0-rc2 - released 1-Jan-04

Tom Collins
- Added comment and added minor fix to ##z macro in template.c.
- Fix to use correct owner/group/perm for
  install-strip. [864310]
- Change html/header to use ##D instead of ##H in title.

Rick Widmer
- Remove fclose(NULL) call in alias.c.
- Add html/README with information on template macros. [867305]

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