Jeremy Kitchen wrote:

On Sun, 2004-01-04 at 15:05, Brandon Weisz wrote:

I appear to have a problem with Email Accounts template on both rc1 and rc2. It looks the data is not lined up properly under the columns. Somehow the "email account" made its way up above. I havnt modified anything. Find a screenshot here:

Is anyone else seeing this?

if you say you haven't modified anything.. .where's that yellow coming from? :)

Good question ? It renders yellow in IE and its white in other browsers (Mozilla and friends.) I assure you
the templates, or anything for that matter in regards to qmailadmin havn't been changed.

try removing qmailadmin's template directories, and rebuilding
qmailadmin. It should replace them for you.

I've tried this. The odd thing is the HTML looks correct. I'm sure theres something off the wall
I'm missing but I have yet to have a chance to play much with it. Downgrading to previous versions
such as 1.0.28 still has the same issues. It appears I have data cached somehwere causing problems.


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