On Jan 25, 2004, at 10:19 AM, Nope shape wrote:
i created a php panel with authentication for other purposes than emailadmin. I would like to include qmailadmin with no modify but i wouldn't like that users that authenticated on my php panel must re-authenticate with qmailadmin. So how can i disable qmailadmin authentication or pass to it the authentication automatically with no ask to the user?

Have an form on your PHP panel with hidden fields that submits the same data as the Qmailadmin login screen.

Tom Collins  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
QmailAdmin: http://qmailadmin.sf.net/  Vpopmail: http://vpopmail.sf.net/
Info on the Sniffter hand-held Network Tester: http://sniffter.com/

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