
I setup qmailadmin and used qmail-autoresponer instead of autoresponder. I
am getting this error in my logs when I try to setup a vacation reply for
a user:

2004-01-26 10:02:50.803439500 delivery 23919: deferral:

It is in fact there with these permissions:

-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  15616 Jan 12 03:25

I had a problem with using qmail-autoresponder before but Tom knew the
answer and fixed me up. This error is a different one and I was hoping
someone could give me some insight on how to fix it.

I know qmail-autoresponder is not the inter7 autoresponder but I got the
impression from the last time that I had a problem with it that
qmail-autoresponder was a little better than inter7's autoresponder. Is my
thinking correct here?


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