Adam Carnine wrote:
Here is my configuration output, in case I've done something
here and just don't realize it.

           qmailadmin 1.2.0
            Current settings
       cgi-bin dir = /www/qmailadmin
          html dir = /www/qmailadmin
         image dir = /www/qmailadmin/images
         image URL = ../images
      template dir = /usr/local/share/qmailadmin

I can't make any promises if this will fix your problem or not, but this does not look right... Assuming Apache --prefix=/www, which makes your default DocumentRoot /www/htdocs and cgibin directory /www/cgi-bin, it should look like this:


This should be a directory outside of DocumentRoot with a ScriptAlias that allows it to run programs.


This should be your DocumentRoot directory.


This should be a directory below your DocumentRoot directory, where you place the qmailadmin images.


This should be the url of the images directory. I don't believe a relative path is appropriate here.

If your /www directory is really DocumentRoot, the qmailadmin should not be inside it. You should find another directory for it, outside of DocumentRoot and create a ScriptAlias that points at it.


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