On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 4:40 PM, MK <ph...@rogers.com> wrote:
> Many use it and maintain it as a community. Many vendors an distributions 
> maintain what is their own branches. Debian has their packages maintained for 
> example.  Yahoo has their in house code base

I am a qmail user since long time, and I love inter7 products.

I am a fedora packager [1] and my dream is to have inter7 products
packaged and distributed as rpm into fedora and fedora-epel oficial

but qmail doesn't doesn't follow gnu coding standards and doesn't use
gnu-autotools, so packaging it is not easy, because its not accepted
by fedora packaging guidelines.

at this time for me it's more convenient to use postfix + dovecot
since all of then are in fedora official repository's.

[ 1 ] - https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/users/packages/itamarjp


Itamar Reis Peixoto
msn, google talk: ita...@ispbrasil.com.br
+55 11 4063 5033 (FIXO SP)
+55 34 9158 9329 (TIM)
+55 34 8806 3989 (OI)
+55 34 3221 8599 (FIXO MG)


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