I'm certainly no expert, but your hosts file doesn't look right to me.  Here
is what I have in my /etc/hosts file:       mail.fqdn.tld           localhost.localdomain localhost    mail.fqdn.tld            localhost.localdomain localhost

Obviously the second line starts with the ip address of my mail server,
which you would change for your mail server, and the full domain name in
mail.fqdn.com, which also needs changed.  I don't think is correct.


-----Original Message-----
From: Warner Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:26 AM
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] IMAP Issues

On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 03:38:34PM -0500, Erik
Espinoza([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I have about the same number of users on one of the QmailToaster
> servers. We used to have most users on POP3, but have migrated most to
> IMAP-SSL. We noticed no load difference.

        It's very quirky, no question.  Glad to hear things are working 
well for you.

> We're doing the same, this helped big time.
> I have a few questions:
> 1) Are you using the latest updates for your distsro?

        We typically don't blindly update production servers.  Were it of 
impact, we generally will.  It's by circumstance with production.

> 2) Can you e-mail a pic of your stats-toaster of the IMAP graphs?

        It may be easier once I contact you on IRC.

> 3) Can you paste a copy of `rpm -qa | grep toaster`


> 4) What does your memory usage look like when your users are using
> imap big time?

        Usage is low, always.  Currently, we're near peak staffing:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       1034560     305212     729348          0      87436      42780
-/+ buffers/cache:     174996     859564
Swap:      2096472      68264    2028208

> 5) Does your hosts table have just localhost and the fqdn defined?

        That and an additional definition for a local server.  Everything 
looks to be in order there:        localhost.localdomain localhost           mailserver mailserver.2checkout.com

> 6) What kind of delay do you see when you telnet, does it take a while
> for the IMAP banners to pop up?

        Yes, that is specifically what I was referring to before.

> 7) Have you migrated from an older version of QmailToaster (such as
> the old 1.0 branch w/ horde)

        No-- there have not been any major changes yet.

> 8) Are most of your users accessing the QmailToaster's IMAP through
> some sort of firewall?
> IE
> Users -> PIX DMZ -> QmailToaster

        Yes, they're routing through our iptables implementation for the 
office network.

> 9) Does it make a difference if you disable the iptables firewall
> (temporarily for testing of course)

        That would be difficult to do, as they are on different areas of 
the network.  If it helps you any, when I telnet to localhost:143 on the 
mailserver, it has the same results.

> 10) Is your resolv.conf pointing to localhost or the machines static
> ip for your caching name server?

        It's pointing to the static.

> Sorry for the large number of questions.

        No problem, I appreciate the interest.

> If you have some time, maybe we can speak on IRC later.

        Certainly.. network/channel?

        Thanks again for the time!

Best regards,
   Warner Moore
   Enterprise Services

     QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted <http://www.vr.org>
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