Hi all,

I am just hoping to confirm that I understand what my DNS records are
supposed to be for my domainkeys before I get them in my DNS records.

>From following the http://www.qmailtoaster.com/qt-doc/QT-README.domainkeys
document, after creating the private key with the dknewkey command, it

private._domainkey      IN      TXT     "k=rsa; p=MEwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQ..."

I should just change the private._domainkey to _domainkey.mydomain.tld and
everything should be good?  So it would look like this:

_domainkey.mydomain.tld     IN      TXT     "k=rsa; p=MEwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQ..."

I have 5 domains running on my server, so I'm assuming that I need to do
this for all of them, correct?

Also, should I have my DNS records updated with the domainkey before I start
using it, or afterwards?  What I mean is, will my outgoing mail start
causing problems if the domainkey exists in my DNS records, but my mail
server isn't using it yet?


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