A.Mihalic wrote:
Hello list,

I have the qmtoaster on Centos-4.3 and

I am seeing an email for me while tailing logs, I go to my account and
nothing is there.

I have this sender whitelisted in local.cf and have run sa-learn as ham on
this sender. We get slammed with so much spam that it is nearly impossible
to feed sa-learn 50%good/50%junk but try our bets to maintain at least

no messages in the queue, any ideas where I should be looking appriciated.

log snip

@4000000044e072a1141c569c tcpserver: status: 3/100
@4000000044e072a1141c663c tcpserver: pid 17900 from (mysendersip)
@4000000044e072a1141c6a24 tcpserver: ok 17900
mail.mymailserver.com:(myserverip):25 :(mysenderip)::2312
@4000000044e072a20654819c CHKUSER accepted sender: from
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]::> remote <mysender.com:unknown:(mysenderip)>
rcpt <> : sender accepted
@4000000044e072a20c12ace4 CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]::> remote <cmysender.com:unknown:(mysenderip)>
rcpt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : found existing recipient
@4000000044e072a217a84c1c tcpserver: end 17900 status 256
@4000000044e072a217b2ac5c tcpserver: status: 2/100
@4000000044e072a2180d66ec simscan:[1]:CLEAN
@4000000044e072a331f6f26c tcpserver: status: 3/100

I don't even have a guess at this point. However, I'd be curious to see the corresponding spamd log entries in particular, and any other logs too.

-Eric 'shubes'

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