
Thanks for the help... been waiting for that answer a long time :)
As to your question, I don't get spammed to my forwarded emails but I
do get spammed at my main address. Which is why I need to change my
main address (and never again give it out to friends!) and then have
all the forwards that used to be to the old main address forward
emails to the new main address (which noone will ever know :) again!).


On 8/16/06, Eric Shubes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Shai wrote:
> Does anyone know how to do this?
> Shai
> On 7/6/06, Shai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using forwarding address to reduce spam to a single mailbox.

I'm not clear what you mean by this, and why you're doing this.

>> I now have about 200 of these forwards and even so, I'm started
>> getting spam that arrives directly to my forwarded email address (my
>> real account) and so I want to change that email address forward.
>> 1. how can I change my mailbox's email address?

Create a new account, then delete your current account, and where it asks,
specify the new account to forward to. It will automatically create a
forward for your old name to your new name.

>> 2. how can I update my 200 mail forwards to this new email account?

I'm guessing that they'll forward to the new forward (old account name),
which will then forward to the new account. No need to change forwards. I'd
test it out first though to make sure it works that way (I can't imagine why
it wouldn't).

>> Thanks in advance,
>> Shai

I'm curious as to why all the forwards though. If you know the forward names
only get spammed (no mail you want to review), I'd add those addresses to
the /var/qmail/control/badmailto file. That way they get rejected at the
smtp level, and they never even come into the server.

-Eric 'shubes'

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