I've run Bastille, and found that it did not affect my Qmail
installation in any way, but that many of the changes that Bastille
proposes are well explained and do enhance the security of the box.

Chris Marcellin wrote:
> Hi;
> I've searched the list on this subject before posting, and there is
> little mention of it. I was wondering if anyone has tried hardening
> their toaster with Bastille, or any other hardening tool. Besides the
> normal shutting down of services via chkconfig, and locking down
> important files with chattr, and iptables.  Has anyone run Bastille
> hardening tool after the installation of toaster. And if so,
> pros/cons, please. I have written a tutorial/reminder on server
> hardening, but, I'm not sure if this would suffice for a toaster
> install, I'm not sure if it would interfere with user rights, perhaps
> even lock the server too much. If anyone is interested you can check
> it out at:
> (http://canus.org/index.php?module=htmlpages&func=display&pid=4)
> Please, note, I'm not an Linux Admin like many of you, so, perhaps it
> may be simple for you.  Tell me what you think!
> Thanx
> Chris Marcellin
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