

Something weird came to my attention. On my server I host 2 domains, one that has all spam/virus scanning disabled via simcontrol file and one that has it enabled.

I have setup an alias on the domain with disabled simscan [EMAIL PROTECTED] –> [EMAIL PROTECTED]. So logically all the email coming into [EMAIL PROTECTED] even forwarded by  [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be scanned for spam and viruses. NO that’s not the case, seems like the email forwarded by the alias from domain2 is not scanned, even though I specifically set up simcontrol file to scan that alias.


Does this mean that simcontrol file does not work with aliases and only works with accounts? Should I set up [EMAIL PROTECTED] as an account and do forwarding from an account?


Here is my simcontrol


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:clam=yes,spam=yes





Thank you

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