Hi All,

My certificate has expired. When I installed QT some time ago, I remember following the steps to create one, but I can't remember exactly what I did.

At the time, I did not send of the request to a Company like VeriSign, etc, and a self signed cert is fine for my needs.

I followed the steps on the Wiki (minus the RegistryFly step 4 and the catting of servercert.crt).

When I run a test, QT responds -
454 TLS missing certificate: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line (#4.3.0)

So, I tried replacing with the backup I'd taken of servercert.pm (as the clientcert.pm is a symlink) but with the same reqult.

The permissions are -
-rw-r--r--  1 root qmail  887 Oct 26 15:22 servercert.pem

which look to be correct.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated - or even a pointer to a guide for making and using a self signed cert for QT. This may be handy to add to the Wiki also.


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