I thought about this, stopped thinking about it, now am thinking about it again.

In /etc/php.ini there is a config option:

        sendmail_path =

Which can be set to a shell wrapper script:

sed "s/\r\n?/\n/g" | qmail-inject

Which should work in all cases. Maybe. You would hope so.

There are other reasons to use one of the more elaborate replacements for 
qmail-inject: handling not just bad line endings (and again, I'm not even sure 
this IS a feature of new-inject) but gracefully supporting messages with 
garbled or less-than-perfect headers and formatting.

Unlike qsmtpd, which in its original form is said to fail and deny incoming 
messages with only LF (\n) endings and give the sender an error message, 
qmail-inject issues no such error and will just pass the message through. Does 
qmail-inject have a log file?


On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 13:04:58 -0700, Eric "Shubes" wrote:
> You could simply pipe the messages through 'dos2unix' to fix this. I don't
> know off hand where you'd pipe it in though.

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