Hi Jake,

Would you mind share the information for replication on the wiki page? We 
decided to setup a secure VPN connection to do this job. 

I followed the qmail replication setup at the wiki page, but failed many times. 
I would like to try your method to do this job.

Thanks in advanced.


----- Original Message ----
From: Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 8:23:28 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Replication over Internet

Gabriel Lai wrote: 
Have anyone tried replication over internet? SSH protocol? 24hours?
Please share.
I backup my machines nightly using rsync over ssh. I have also tested using 
SSHFS, which worked as well for everything EXCEPT mounting a /var partition 
across the 'net (too much lag with ping times, compression, and encryption - 
caused double messages). But it worked fine for backups.
Backing up using rsync is really easy. I can put up a page on the wiki if you 
need help.

Any questions? Get answers on any topic at www.Answers.yahoo.com.  Try it now.

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