Eric "Shubes" wrote:
Alexey Loukianov wrote:
Greetings, Eric.

4 ?????? 2007 ?., 19:41:19 you have wrote:
# qmHandle -a
to try sending them right away. You should see 20/20 in the send log right
after this is run. (qmHandle is part of the qmailtoaster-plus package)
# qmailctl doqueue

will do just the same trick, but you don't need to install qtp for
this to work. Also,

# svs -a /var/qmail/supervise/send

will do the same thing.

I guess that
# service qmail doqueue
will do the same thing.

Is there any documentation for qmailctl? I haven't found any. A man or wiki
page would be nice.

There's not much documentation. Its just a script to ease some of the commands. Here's qmailctl help:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# qmailctl help
  stop -- stops mail service (smtp connections refused, nothing goes out)
 start -- starts mail service (smtp connection accepted, mail can go out)
pause -- temporarily stops mail service (connections accepted, nothing leaves)
  cont -- continues paused mail service
  stat -- displays status of mail service
   cdb -- rebuild the tcpserver cdb file for smtp
restart -- stops and restarts smtp, sends qmail-send a TERM & restarts it
doqueue -- sends qmail-send ALRM, scheduling queued messages for delivery
reload -- sends qmail-send HUP, rereading locals and virtualdomains
 queue -- shows status of queue
  alrm -- same as doqueue
   hup -- same as reload

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