Istvan Kope wrote:
Warren (mailing lists) wrote:
Jake Vickers wrote:
Istvan Kope wrote:
A have a Qmailtoaster installation on Centos 4.3.
It worked excellent for a couple of months but since yesterday clients started to fail sending messages with Thunderbird giving the following message:
Sending of message failed.
The message could not be sent beacuse connecting to SMTP server failed. The server may be unavailable or refusing SMTP connections.

I didn't make any changes to the server. There is no problem with receiving messages. I don't know what to look for in the log. Since now I don't see in the log any error, or failure or anything...
If you're sending from somewhere that has a dynamic IP (your house, cable modem, DSL, etc.) then zen.spamhaus is probably blocking it. Remove that entry from your blacklists file and try.

Jave (and Istvan),

There seems to be a problem with the blacklists servers. I had to remove all but "-r" from my blacklists file this morning to get SMTP to work in a timely fashion.

Anyone know what is up with the blacklist servers or if we should be moving to different ones?


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Indeed it was the problem with the one of the blacklist servers. I figured that out after swearing for 3 hours and reading 1000 threads on the mailing list. Also there was in the log /var/log/qmail/smtp/current , status 256 instead of status 0 of the sent mails, which suppose to be a time out or something. Maybe someone can confirm it.

I your opinion, when the email functionality is critical, does it worth to use blacklists or not? I had quite a few situations when critical mails didn't arrive because of this blacklists, then I said is better to receive more spam, than miss critical mails.
Some experts say that SpamAssassin is a bullsh*t. Is that correct??
Which blacklists are 100% accurate(they never block a non-spam), even if they are weaker than others?? I see that the latest realease of qmail-toaster is using only zen.spamhaus and according to Jake is blocking dynamic IP-s. Why did you decide to use this blacklist in the latest release??


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Can anyone answer to my questions? Or at least give me your opinion...


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