Regarding duplicated clamd log messages, the fix is to comment out "LogFile
stderr" in /etc/clamd.conf (and stop/start). EE will be releasing a fixed
toaster version very soon that does this and also removes the stderr patch.

I can't speak to the other issues.

A M wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've watching clamd 0.90 for some time and found a few strange things:
>  every line in the logs are duplicated (wonder if this has something to
> do with new clamd logging support for syslog and a log file?)
>  in 64bits system (Intel) clamd crashes quite often (haven't had that
> problem in AMD based systems)
>  sometimes after an freshclam automated update clamd gets a stale socket
> (setting "FixStaleSocket yes" in /etc/clamd.conf seems to fix it)
> these are the things i've found hope it helps
> AM

-Eric 'shubes'

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