

My toaster has started acting wired today, my users have failed to send
messages in web mail squirrel returns "server replied" with no particular
error code

I have the following in my http error logs


PHP Notice:  Undefined property:  Deliver_SMTP::$dlv_server_msg in
/usr/share/squirrelmail/src/compose.php on line 1592,


I THINK this is the blacklists, my current blacklists set by qtp


-r zen.spamhaus.org -r bl.spamcop.net -r opm.blitzed.org -r list.dsbl.org -r

.abuseat.org -r dnsbl.tqmcube.com -r dnsbl.sorbs.net -r bl.csma.biz -r

es.fabel.dk -r dnsbl.njabl.org


Which one should I remove?


Any help welcome



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