Eric, I used Outbound too ;) that's why I'm wondering why it doesn't allow me 
to enter into their mail server. Moreover, I've check outbound is not in the 
spam database... :(

----- Original Message ----
From: "Eric "Shubes"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 12:31:36 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Email Sending Failed... HELP!!

P.V.Anthony wrote:
> On this day, 21-March-2007 11:19 AM,  Gabriel Lai wrote:
>> nop, i don't have a reverse dns, what should I do? I host my dns under
>> due to my internet ISP is giving me Dynamic IP. So I've to
>> host under
> From what I understand, only the ISP that you got the Dynamic IP can
> give the reverse dns. Plus this is a dynamic IP so it may be difficult
> to get the reverse dns. I do not think you will get it.
> Now for the solution. If you are in the office where the dynamic IP is
> used, use the smtp server of your ISP.
> The simple way is just to configure your Thunderbird or any other email
> client to the smtp server of your ISP.
> The other way is to configure Qmail to send all outgoing emails to the
> ISP's smtp server. I know it can be done but I do not know how.
> If you are in Singapore, call me.
> P.V.Anthony

I'm on a dynamic (pseudo-static) IP address too. You'll need to have an
outgoing relay service to reach many servers, more and more due to
blocklisting of dynamic addresses (thanks in part to zen.spamhaus). I use's mailhop service. It's quite affordable, and works really well.
You configure your toaster to send outgoing mail via's mailhop
relay using the /var/qmail/control/smtproutes file. You can do this
selectively by destination domain (what I still do), or just let mailhop
handle everything.

Alternatively, your ISP's smtp server might be used (some ISPs allow this,
some restrict use to their domain name). You can see if this works also by
adding an entry to /var/qmail/control/smtproutes to route outgoing email via
 your ISP's smtp server.

See for details on setting
up smtproutes.


-Eric 'shubes'

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