Exists some possibility of I to use the RBL to check the POP?
Exists the possibility of users who if to legalize in the server leaving the
option marked in the email customer "my server require authentication" not
to check RBL when will be to send email?


2007/4/18, Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Rodrigo Morais wrote:
> The problem is the blockade of SUPPLIERS.
> The directors connects in net and goes to send an email of any place.
> It has the configured account of the company in the customer of email
> of it and the email rejects because it is consisting in spamhaus.
> Being that it has the user and password of my email.
I think I understand what you're saying.... Remove spamhaus from your
blacklists file and use different RBLs. Or use the submission port to
send emails (port 587). Port 587 does not do a blacklist check.


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