The SMTP logs didn't give me anything more than what I already had:

2007-04-20 12:55:40.290527500 qmail-smtpd: qq soft reject (mail server temporarily rejected message (#4.3.0)): MAILFROM:<<user>@<one_of_my_domains>> RCPTTO:<valid_external_email_address>

On Apr 20, 2007, at 1:26 PM, Jake Vickers wrote:

Roxanne Sandesara wrote:
I have a user that has been getting messages stating that emails she has been trying to send are being temporarily rejected by the server:

451 mail server temporarily rejected message (#4.3.0)

Can anyone give me some ideas of where I should start to troubleshoot this and stop it from happening. It's starting to bother my user, and I can't really blame her.
Look at the logs. SMTP logs would probably give you some more info, unless they're using IMAP. Look at those logs in that case.

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