Don't know if this is your situation without more info, but if your client is managing the list via their email client and sending via their ISP like ATT/SBC, then I'd tell them to talk to their ISP first, or use webmail on your server instead. Some ISP's have rules about how many emails you can send through their network in an hour, or the max size of an email. And don't forget to remind your client to use "Bcc:" if appropriate--and it sounds like it is given the "large volume" they are sending.


PakOgah wrote:
I think it was the environment CHKUSER_RCPTLIMIT on /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp
by default is 50, you can increase it but dont forget to change value for
the more recipient they sent the more possible wrong email address

hope it help, cmiiw

Good day,

I was wondering, does the toaster have any sort of defaults or
anti-spam measures that prevent a client from sending a large volume
email (meaning recipients)?

I had a client that I installed a toaster for, and htey have a mailing
list they manage in their email client, and it seems like after 20 -
50 or so are sent, the connection is dropped and so on.


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