Getting back to the original problem (where the message was disappearing)... I can think of 2 possibilities:
1) Her "self hatred" rule was deleting the message, or
2) My first guess was: her client is using a POP3 interface instead of IMAP, which would delete the message on the server as soon as it was downloaded.

I ran into this with 2 clients (the POP part)... the clients were setup as POP3 accidentally (as in: users didn't follow configuration instructions), then the users complained that the web interface view didn't match their "home PC" view. It took me almost a week of hit and miss guesses before I finally realized it was POP.

Since then, after every upgrade, I still go into /var/qmail/supervise and rename pop3 and pop3-ssl to .pop3 & .pop3-ssl (the DOTs make the file hidden). This effectively DISABLES the pop3 interface. (BTW: I also allow IMAP (supervise/imap4) access ONLY from the LAN -- forcing outside users to use IMAPS (supervise/imap4-ssl). But I'm admittedly paranoid! ;-))

In the hopes that this helps someone out there...

Dan McAllister
Information Technologies for the Small Office & Home Office

Jake Vickers wrote:
Jim Shupert, Jr. wrote:
here my qmailtoaster is running - what seems to be fine.
I have 1 user who isn't getting mail
she & I are in the same domain ( everyone else is getting & sending OK )
if I send her an email  and I look in
cur = empty
tmp = empty
new/ i will see the email I just sent her.
( i can open it and look at it )
If I go to her client and do a send - recieve
she does not get it and it is gone from  ' new '
so.... any thoughts also where does mail go - that is -
is there a que place and where is that?
Can she the message from webmail? Before her client checks it? If so, then it's something with her client. When a message is marked as read, it gets moved from the new dir, then get's moved to the cur dir, unless the client is set to remove the messages from the server, in which case it's removed. A message is in queue when it comes in (for a brief period of time, like 2-6 seconds as it gets checked for spam and what-not), and when messages are sent that are destined for outside domains. They will then rest in the queue until delivered. Namely /var/qmail/queue/remote somewhere.

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