Harry Zink wrote:

What's the easiest way to delete, comprehensively, all logfiles that isoqlog uses?

I'm constantly getting the segmentation fault errors, no one else on the list (except two other people) appear affected by it, so I want to see if it's something about my log-files, and just toast them all and see what happens.

Can someone at least help with some convenient and effective way to get rid of all the log files, please?

I've never really looked at how isoqlog was executed, but here's the cron.sh:


ISOQLOG=`which isoqlog`
RM=`which rm`
TOUCH=`which touch`
CHOWN=`which chown`
CHMOD=`which chmod`

# Remove old domains

# Regenerate the file
for i in `ls $VPOPMAIL`; do
        echo "$i" >> $ISODOMAINS;

# Execute the program
$ISOQLOG 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null

# Correct permissions
$CHOWN -R apache:apache /usr/share/toaster/htdocs/isoqlog
Which looks like it deletes the domains list, isoqlog.domains and then regenerates the file via a ls command of /home/vpopmail/domains. From looking at the config in /etc/isoqlog it looks like it's using the send log files to generate the HTML:
logstore = "/var/log/qmail/send"
So I would try moving those files somewhere else and then seeing if it still gives you the error.

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